At Compass, we manage investment portfolios for our clients to assist them in maintaining and increasing their wealth and income. While many advisors focus on maximizing returns, we place a high priority on managing the risk in client portfolios.
Our Primary Objective: Preserve our client’s wealth as much as possible.
A Secondary Objective: Generate acceptable returns while managing the portfolio risk.
We focus on these objectives by designing global macro-oriented investment portfolios with a multi-strategy approach. To do this, we invest globally and consider many different investment types, vehicles and strategies to implement these decisions..
Investing is no longer a one-dimensional process of selecting the right stock, bond, money manager, investment, strategy, fund, or property to place in a portfolio. Knowing an investment’s asset allocation characteristics, whether passive or active, is very important. We do not feel that simply diversifying your assets by purchasing different classes of assets is sufficient. We select investments based on the contribution they make to the asset allocation strategy established for the portfolio. Proper asset allocation is purchasing the right proportion of each asset class and strategy, and making changes to these when appropriate.
We may use downside protection strategies that may reduce portfolio fluctuations. Our methodology and philosophy is further enhanced with extensive research.
Our goal is to establish an investment strategy using a mix of assets to assist investors in meeting their goals. This is done with the implementation of an Investment Policy Statement that is designed for each client. This Investment Policy Statement then acts as a statement of philosophy and roadmap for implementing an investor’s portfolio to help them attain their goals.